After School Clubs
Over the course of the year Hazelmere Junior School offers a wide range of clubs some of which are free and others require a fee.
These clubs change regularly depending on demand and instructor availability. Please check the Newsletters for the most recent club timetable.
Autumn Term 1 Clubs
The table below shows the clubs being offered this half term starting from the w/c 9th September.
For Squash and Drama children have been asked to give their name to the relevant teacher if they are interested. Year 3 and 4 will have an opportunity to do Squash later in the year. Parents/Carers of those children attending either of these clubs will be emailed confirming they have a place. Both of these clubs are free.
Martial arts and Fencing clubs will be run by external companies. These clubs will require a payment to the company directly and information regarding this will be sent out at the end of the first week.
Please note that if your child signs up to a club they are expected to attend each week unless they are unwell. If a child does not attend a club twice without a valid reason from a parent/carer their space will be reallocated to another child on the waiting list.
Lunchtime |
After School 3-4pm |
Monday | ||
Tuesday | Fencing | |
Wednesday | Squash Year 5 and 6 only | |
Thursday |
Martial Arts Drama (3:00 - 4:30pm) |
Friday | Football |